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2641323 - FS-BA: Errors /BA1/B1_CM063 and /BA1/B1_CM056 during BC installation


As part of Insurance Analyzer content installation, you are trying first to install the Business Content for Bank Analyzer delivered with Banking services from SAP 9.0. While executing ASU step “Consistency check in Balance Analyzer”, you get the following errors:

Posting key figure _IAFLPS is not assigned to a processing category
Posting key figure _IBELCE is not assigned to a processing category
Posting key figure _IOLIM is not assigned to a processing category
Posting key figure _IPRSUM is not assigned to a processing category
Posting key figure _IREVAL is not assigned to a processing category
Posting key figure _ISUMIN is not assigned to a processing category
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCIO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCIR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCIRE
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCIV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCOO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCOR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBCOV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDAO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDAPA
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDAPD
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDAR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDARE
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDAV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDBO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDBR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDBV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDROR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBDRV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGBO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGBPA
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGBR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGBV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGDWL
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGOO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGOR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBGOV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBMGA
Error when reading details about key figure DIBMGV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBNAO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBNAPA
Error when reading details about key figure DIBNAR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBNAV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBNPV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBNSO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBOCV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBOPO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBOPR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBOPV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPCV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPRC
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPRO
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPRPD
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPRR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPRRE
Error when reading details about key figure DIBPRV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBRAR
Error when reading details about key figure DIBRAV
Error when reading details about key figure DIBSOFP
Error when reading details about key figure DIBTAFP
Error when reading details about key figure DIBTOFP
Error when reading details about key figure DIBUWL
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCID
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCIO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCIOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCL
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCOO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCOOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCR
Error when reading details about key figure DIPCS
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDAD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDAO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDAOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDBD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDBO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDBOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDERL
Error when reading details about key figure DIPDRRN
Error when reading details about key figure DIPEA
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGBD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGBO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGBOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGBPA
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGOO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGOOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPGOV
Error when reading details about key figure DIPINL
Error when reading details about key figure DIPIVIC
Error when reading details about key figure DIPIVIT
Error when reading details about key figure DIPMGA
Error when reading details about key figure DIPMGD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPMGN
Error when reading details about key figure DIPNAD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPNAO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPNAOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPNPD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPOFS
Error when reading details about key figure DIPOPD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPOPO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPOPOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPOPV
Error when reading details about key figure DIPPAL
Error when reading details about key figure DIPPCD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPPRD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPPRO
Error when reading details about key figure DIPPROD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPRAD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPRAOD
Error when reading details about key figure DIPRAPA
Error when reading details about key figure DIPUWL
Error when reading details about key figure DIPUWLX



  • SAP Banking: Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer 9.0 (FSAPPL500)
  • SAP Insurance Analyzer 2.0 


SAP Insurance Analyzer 2.0 ; banking services from SAP 9.0


/BA1/B1_CM 063, /BA1/B1_CM 056, NXC, Analytical banking, NXC200 , KBA , FS-BA-BC-IF , Infrastructure , FS-BA-BC-INS , Installation , Problem

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