You are upgrading a dual stack system (such as Solution Manager 7.1 to 7.2) and selected the manually prepared upgrade directory option in SUM (Software Update Manager), and you encounter an error in the JAVA stack side of the upgrade during the execution phase START-AS-JAVA:
In the TroubleTicket_<xx>.txt, you see the following:
ABAP stack present.: true
SUM Java scenario..: MANUAL_UPDATE
Could not start SAP instance with number <instance number>.
For more information, see the log file E:\SUM\sdt\log\SUM\START-AS-JAVA_<xx>.LOG.
In the START-AS-JAVA_<xx>.LOG, you see that the command to start the instance was performed. A WaitforStarted command is the last command to run, and finishes with exit code 2:
<Timestamp> [Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: Could not start SAP instance with number <instance number>.
Could not check if the instance number <instance number> on host <host> is started.
In the SAPCONTROL_WAITFORSTARTED_<instance number>_<xx>.OUT log, the following is shown:
FAIL: process disp+work.EXE Dispatcher not running
In the work logs dev_w*, you can see the following error message:
*** ERROR => ab_init: This kernel version may run with SAP_BASIS version 702 in preput scenarios only! [abinit.c 698]
Also, the ABAP log SAPupConsole.log, you can see that the ABAP side is still in MOD_SELROADMAP/READ_SHAREDINPUT phase.
- Dual stack systems
- Switch-based upgrades
ERROR-CORE-INTERNAL_ERROR, action STOP_WP, level 1 , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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