- In Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) you are using an iFlow with a SuccessFactors adapter to call a SuccessFactors system. Later in the iFlow you are then sending a HTTP request.
- The HTTP request is returning a 400 (bad request), with the error: "org.apache.camel.component.ahc.AhcOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking xxx_example-http-endpoint_xxx with statusCode: 400"
- You may be able to call the endpoint successfully from a browser or other client but not from CPI.
- SAP Cloud Platform Integration for process services
Cloud Integration all versions
CPI, HCI, SAP HCI, SAP CPI, SCPI, SFSF, Cloud Platform Integration, Content-Security-Policy, HTTP request, call, 400, bad request, SuccessFactors, Success Factors, AhcOperationFailedException, HTTP operation failed , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-RFC , RFC Adapter , Problem
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