- You performed an upgrade and you facing the issue that the relationships for the users are not created correctly in SRM.
- This problem could also appear when changing or creating assignments between employees (Business Partners with Employee role) and organizational objects from transactions like PPOMA, PPOMA_BBP, PPOMA_CRM.
- If you run HRALXSYNC and you get one of the following errors after repair:
- SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0
- SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0
- SAP_ABA versions (from 700 to 75C)
- HCM synchronization between the Employee and the Business Partner
SAP Customer Relationship Management all versions ; SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0
EBP, BBP_UM_UI 040, BBP_UM_UI040, GT_TBZ1, BUS_CONTROL_MAIN_DI, CALL_PUSH_DI, CALL_POP_DI, HRALXSYNC, BUR010, PPOMA, PPOMA_BBP, PPOMA_CRM, BUT050, BBP_UM_UI070, BBP_UM_UI041, BBP_UM_UI036, Determination of connections to object , KBA , SRM-EBP-ADM-USR , User Administration , BC-BMT-OM-EBP , HR-SRM ALE, BP & Organizational Management , BC-BMT-OM-CRM , HR-CRM ALE, BP & Organizational Management , Problem
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