SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2642285 - Record Learning Multiple error "Data has not been entered for users in an expanded group"


Admin wants to record learning multiple and set different item status for 1 or more employees by expanding the drop down of employees below the item and changing each person's record individually i.e. one employee passed, 1 failed

Then clicking "Apply Changes" wipes all the details that were entered plus returning validation error "data has not been entered for users in an expanded group"


SAP SuccessFactors Learning - All Supported Versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Login into LMS Learning as an admin
  2. Navigate to Users > Tools > Record Learning Multiple 
  3. Select two Courses
  4. Enter users User IDs of users that you want to record learning for
  5. Fill all the required details with different completion status for both users. 
  6. Then clicking apply changes wipes all the data entered plus returning a validation error as "data has not been entered for users in an expanded group"


The validation error is an expected behavior of LMS

Case 1:
When two different items (say Item 'A' and 'B') and two different users (User 'U1' and 'U2') are selected for Record learning Multiple, under Group by Item in the next page, there will be two "Apply Changes" button on right side top and bottom end inside edit grid. This corresponds to the settings at the item level and when the mandatory fields are selected (Say the grade/completion status selected for item 'A' is G1 and for item 'B ' is G2) and next is clicked, no validation error will be thrown. In this case, for Item 'A' both the user 'U1' and 'U2' will have the completion status as 'G1' and for Item 'B' both the user 'U1' and 'U2' will have the completion status as 'G2'.


Case 2:
When two different items (say Item 'A' and 'B') and two different users (User 'U1' and 'U2') are selected for Record learning Multiple, under Group by Item in the next page, and each of the item(A and B) is expanded with plus sign shown. This corresponds to the settings of the item at the individual User level. Consider below are the corresponding Item and its completion status and User details.
1. Item 'A' with completion Grade 'G1' for User 'U1'
2. Item 'A' with completion Grade 'G2' for User 'U2'
3. Item 'B' with completion Grade 'G3' for User 'U1'
4. Item 'B' with completion Grade 'G4' for User 'U2'

In this case, there will be four apply change button. Two at the right top and bottom of screen as mentioned in case 1 and two 'Apply changes' button below each of the corresponding Item('A' and 'B'). So when the changes needs to be set specific to User level for that item, 'Apply change' at that corresponding Item 'A' and then for Item 'B' must be selected followed by Next button. Without which the other Apply change assume case 1 and since no mandatory field (grade) is selected, it throws the validation message and clears the selected form fields.

Hence Kindly select the Apply Changes at corresponding Item Level ('A' and 'B' separately first) inside that item details grid and click next



Record Learning Multiple; validation error; LMS;  data has not been entered for users in an expanded group; Record Learning , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions