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2642367 - tx.sapssd file opening prompt in Microsoft EDGE web browser


  • You are using a Transaction iView which will execute a transaction using SAP GUI for Windows (WinGUI)
  • You are using a Transaction iView which will execute a transaction using SAP GUI for Java(WinJava)
  • You are using the Microsoft EDGE web browser
  • When the transaction iView is accessed, the EDGE browser displays a prompt to open tx.sapssd such as below:
    (what do you want to do with tx.sapssd?
    From: <Enterprise Portal hostname>)
  • Choosing a program such as WinGUI or NWBC, an error about not being able to open the file is displayed



  • SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java 7.3x and higher releases
  • Enterprise Portal


SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3


ssd, structured, storage, document, tx.ssd, error, exception, unknown, file, type, filetype, prompting, sap, gui for, windows, java, mac, os, osx, netweaver, business, client, nw, portal, ep, default, automatic, embed, embedding, embedded, ssf, sap, shortcut, file, microsoft,. ms, EDGE, MSEDGE, ie, internet, explorer, save, save as, cancel , KBA , EP-PIN-AI , Application Integration , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , EP-PIN-NAV , Navigation , EP-PIN-PRT , Portal Runtime , Problem

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