SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2642450 - Unable To Restrict User From Setting A Survey As Completed Without Answering It


You have made Survey as mandatory in Tickets. The scoping question "Do you want to prevent users from completing tickets when mandatory surveys and tasks remain open?" is also enabled in Business Configuration.

However, the user is able to click on 'set as complete' button from the menu options in the Surveys facet of the Ticket and avoid opening or answering the survey altogether.



SAP Cloud for Customer


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 1805


mandatory survey, set as complete, completed, survey , KBA , mandatory , surveys , set as complete , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , LOD-LE-SUR-DEF , Survey definition = design time , LOD-LE-SUR-EXE , Survey execution = runtime , Problem

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