- Warnings / Errors FIEU_SAFT144 or FIEU_SAFT143 are displayed after running RPFIEU_SAFT extraction.
- FIEU_SAFT144 - For document type &1, there are documents that have not been certified.
- FIEU_SAFT143 - For doc. type &1 in range &2, there are docs without a digital signature.
- Not possible to run RPFIEU_SAFT extraction to create the SAFT file for Portugal.
- SAP_APPL 600 From SAPKH60018.
- SAP_APPL 602 From SAPKH60208.
- SAP_APPL 603 From SAPKH60307.
- SAP_APPL 604 From SAPKH60407.
- SAP_APPL 605 From SAPKH60502.
- SAP_APPL 606.
- SAP_APPL 616.
- SAP_FIN 617.
- SAP_FIN 618.
- SAP_FIN 700.
- SAP_FIN 720.
- SAP_FIN 730.
- S4CORE 100.
- S4CORE 101.
- S4CORE 102.
- S4CORE 103
- S4CORE 104
- S4CORE 105
- S4CORE 106
- S4CORE 107
- S4CORE 108
FIEU_SAFT144, FIEU_SAFT143, FIEU_SAFT 143, FIEU_SAFT 144, Signature, Digital Signature, Certified, SAFT, SAF-T, SAFT-PT, Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes, Standard Audit File, StandardAuditFile, AuditFile, AuditFileVersion, PT, Portugal, Portuguese, XML, File, XML file, XML SAFT file, XSD, RPFIEU_SAFT, FIEU_SAFT, Tax, Authorities, Autoridade Tributaria, AT, portaldasfinancas, Legal requirement, Despacho 8632/2014, Portaria 302/2016, version 1.04_01, 1.04, Send, Submit, Create File, Extract Data, Error, Log. , KBA , FI-LOC-SAF-PT , Portugal , FI-LOC-SD-PT-BIL , Billing , How To
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