What is it?
- Talent Pools are groups of contacts who may be suited to various job opportunities.
- Recruiters and Hiring Managers can search these as a more targeted method of candidate sourcing.
Why is it important?
Talent Pools are a great way to group candidates together to help your team filter, search, and manage candidates.
Note: This only refers to the Recruiting module. Succession Talent Pools are not included in this feature.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
- Go to Company Instance
- In Company Settings
- Enable: "Enable Generic Objects" and "Role-based Permissions"
Note: Please contact your Implementation Partner for assistance with Provisioning configurations.
System Admin Permissions
- Go to Admin Center → Manage Permission Roles
- Select Metadata Framework
- Enable the permissions "Manage Data" and "Manage Access to non-secured objects".
These two permissions are required for the system admin only. Recruiters do not need to have these two permissions to be able to work with Talent Pools.
Enabling Talent Pools feature
- Go to Admin Center → Manage Recruiting Settings
- Check Enable Talent Pools
Enabling the Related Permissions
- Go to Admin Center → Manage Permission Roles
- Select MDF Recruiting Permissions, enable the following:
- Pool
- Pool Member
- Share with Group
- Share with Person
Note: If you are unable to view these permissions, please check that the following job is running - MDF object definition to DB sync job.
Note: Customers have the possibility to directly run this job from Admin Center. However, the prerequisite is that it was previously created at least once from Provisioning. For more information, please check KBA 2534674.
3. Select Manage MDF Recruiting Objects, enable the following:
- Candidate Relation Management Status
- Candidate Relation Management Status Map
- Candidate Relation Management Status Set
Note: Once users are given MDF Recruiting Objects, it is expected behavior for the user to have Admin Center Permissions. They will only be able to access Manage Data and see the objects they are permissioned to see. All other Admin Center permissions will not be provided to the end user.
Working with Talent Pools
Display Options:
When working with Talent Pools, the users can create as many Talent Pools as needed, and can select the columns to be displayed.
Creating a Talent Pool:
- Go to Recruiting Management
- Candidates → Talent Pools
- Create Talent Pool
Note: If you don't have any Pipeline Status Structure, please read KB article 2643646.
- Public Talent Pools will be shared with everyone who has permissions to Talent Pool feature (based on RBP).
- Private Talent Pools can be visible only to owner, or the owner can choose to share the Pool with other users.
- Only the owner of the Pool can edit attributes of the Pool or share it with other users.
- Users who have been shared the Talent Pool can view the Pool and add members (candidates) but cannot edit.
- Please note that if a Candidate's Profile has been deleted/marked for anonymization, it is expected behaviour that the candidate is automatically removed from the Talent Pool.
- Owner of a Private Talent Pool can choose to share the Pool with groups of users – using ‘Recruiting Groups’ as well.
- Clicking on the Talent Pool name from the Talent Pool list page will bring up the Talent Pool Detail page showing all Members (candidates) who are in the Talent Pool.
- It is possible to see all members or members who are in different Pipeline Statuses.
- For the members in the Talent Pool, the following Actions are available:
- View Resume
- Forward to Colleague
- Forward to Job Requisition
- Send Mail
- Add to another Talent Pool
- Change Status (in Pipeline)
- Remove from Talent Pool
Archiving a Talent Pool (Pool Owner):
- Choose the Talent Pool to be archived
- Click on Actions "Archive"
- Notice a success message indicating the Talent Pool has been archived
Manage Data (Admin):
- Go to Admin Center → Manage Data
- Search: select "Pool"
- Choose the Talent Pool that you need to edit
- To archive a Talent Pool:
- Select Take Action → Make Correction
- Change "Is Active" to "No"
- To restore an archived Talent Pool:
- Select Take Action → Make Correction
- Change "Is Active" to "Yes"
- To change the pool owner:
- Select Take Action → Make Correction
- Change the "Pool Owner ID"
- To delete a Talent Pool:
- Select Take Action → Permanently Delete Entry
- Click Yes to delete
Is it possible to add a rating scale for candidates in Talent Pools in Recruiting?
Currently we don't have the functionality to rate candidates in Talent Pools.
Please feel free to submit an idea in the SAP Customer Influence Portal by following the steps outlined in KBA 2090228- How to Submit Ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products.
Is it possible to change the owner of a Talent Pool? The owner has left the organization or has been changed to another user.
You can change the pool owner via Manage Data only.
If your business requirements are to be able to change the owner of Talent Pools via Actions menu, please vote for this existing idea: Request ID 244315.
Is it possible to delete a Talent Pool?
Talent pools can be archived. Archived Talent Pools are hidden but not deleted. It can be restored via Manage Data.
You can permanently delete a Talent Pool via Manage Data only. Note: You cannot delete a Talent Pool when pool members exist
See Also
- KB article 2643646 - How to configure Talent Pool Status Set (Pipeline) - Recruiting
- KB article 2090228 - How to Submit Enhancement Requests for SAP SuccessFactors Products
- User Assistance Documentation - Candidate Relationship Management
Create, Candidate Relationship Management, archive talent pool, permission, MDF object definition to DB sync job, anonymization, delete, owner , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , LOD-SF-RCM-CRM , Candidate Relationship Management , How To