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2643704 - Deadlock between INSERT...SELECT and DELETE commands


Deadlock Id 143 detected
Deadlock Id 143 detected. 1 deadlock chain(s) involved.

Deadlock Id 143: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 693, Suid 3) was executing a INSERT command in the procedure 'objid 1286763762' at line 1 at nested level 1.
Deadlock Id 143: Process 693 was involved in application 'xxx'.
Deadlock Id 143: Process 693 was involved on host name 'abc'.
Deadlock Id 143: Process 693 was involved in transaction '$ins'.
SQL Text: ?
Executing procedure: *sq1286763762_1316904774ss*
Subordinate SQL Text:
insert into <userdb>..<table name>(...)
select ... from <userdb>..<view table> where iDevId = ?

Deadlock Id 143: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 488, Suid 3) was executing a DELETE command at line 1.
Deadlock Id 143: Process 488 was involved in application 'xxx'.
Deadlock Id 143: Process 488 was involved on host name ''.
Deadlock Id 143: Process 488 was involved in transaction '$del'.
SQL Text:

DELETE <table1> WHERE cID = 36435
Deadlock Id 143: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 488) was waiting for a 'exclusive page' lock on page 18529 of table 'table1' in database '<userdb>' but process (Familyid 0, Spid 693) already held a 'shared page' lock on it.
Deadlock Id 143: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 693) was waiting for a 'shared page' lock on page 17793 of table 'table1' , indid 2 in database '<userdb>' but process (Familyid 0, Spid 488) already held a 'exclusive page' lock on it.

Deadlock Id 143: Process (Familyid 0, Spid 488) was chosen as the victim.
Victim process host = `', user = `dbuser' program name = `xxx' host processes = `57818' .



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE )16.0


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To

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