Request External Pricing for an opportunity is not working as expected.
On clicking Request External Pricing, you get the system message "Action Triggered Successfully", however, the pricing call is not getting triggered.
SAP Cloud For Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Sales Workcenter.
- Select the Opportunities Facet.
- Open an opportunity and click Product and Request External Pricing.
- The system gives you an info: "Action Triggered Successfully".
- The Pricing call is not triggered.
The opportunity has a Prospect Account and Prospect Replication Blocking is enabled in the Business Configuration scoping.
This is the standard system behavior where external pricing will not be triggered for Prospects Accounts if the Prospect Replication Blocking is enabled in your Business Configuration scoping.
Cloud for Customer, Opportunity, External Pricing, Action Triggered Successfully, Prospect , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , How To