Clean-up messages can be found in the ASE errorlog during database recovery:
server Recovering database '<database_name>'.
server Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database '<database_name>'.
server Started ANALYSIS pass for database '<database_name>'.
server Completed ANALYSIS pass for database '<database_name>'.
server Log contains all committed transactions until 2018/03/31 12:11:37.64 for database <database_name>.
server Started REDO pass for database '<database_name>'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
server Completed REDO pass for database '<database_name>'.
server Timestamp for database '<database_name>' is (0x0002, 0xa2f7315a).
server Recovery of database '<database_name>' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
server Cleanup for database ID 9 in la_dealloc_unused_log_pages, search ended ext=0x2ab11170e1c0, cur_extid=1168840
server Cleanup of preallocated pages for database <database_name> completed, 0 extents cleaned.
server Started recovery checkpoint for database '<database_name>'.
server Completed recovery checkpoint for database '<database_name>'.
server Started filling free space info for database '<database_name>'.
server Completed filling free space info for database '<database_name>'.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03
CR809258, 809258, CR#809258, TF3425, 3425, trace, flag, informational, pre-allocated, log , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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