Web service payload for creating a Lead uses <AccountExternalID> field.
Response contains error message: "If you use an existing account or contact, an account must be specified"
- SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer Add-ins
Reproducing the Issue
Use the <AccountExternalID> in a SOAP web service to try and create a new lead.
The AccountExternalID field is only to be used with Avention Integration and is not available for other purposes.
The AccountInternalID field must be used when creating a Lead with an existing Account via web service.
Possible workaround:
Query the internal id of an account using QueryCustomerIn and pass the Internal ID in ManageMarketingLeadIn to create the Lead in C4C.
ManageMarketingLeadIn, existing account, external id, web service, lead, marketing lead, soap , KBA , LOD-CRM-LM , Lead Management , How To