SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2646346 - App ID F3041 and Advanced App ID MIRO - Check for duplicate Invoices


Check for duplicate invoices using app Import Supplier Invoices (App ID F3041) or Create Supplier Invoice - Advanced (App ID MIRO).


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


The following fields must be identical for Duplicate Invoice check:

  • Company code 
  • Suppler
  • Currency 
  • Reference
  • Document date 

If the document is having any one of the above field values different, then the system does not consider it as a duplicate invoice.


It is a prerequisite for the check for duplicate invoices that you have set the indicator for the check for Check Double Invoice in app Maintain Business Partner (app ID BP) or app Manage Supplier Master Data (app id F1053A)

Select Supplier

Display/Edit in (BP) role: Supplier (Fin.Accounting)

Select Company Code

Vendor: Payment Transactions (or in app Manage Supplier Master Data ->  Finance-> Payment)

Check Double Invoice

Configuration of Messages:

In app Manage Your Solution -> Configure Your Solution -> Sourcing and Procurment -> Incoming Invoice -> Customer-Specific Message Categories (Area M8)



Configure the following message number 108, 804, 805 and 462 for message class M8 to enable the duplicate invoice check for both online processing and background processing.

M8 108 -  Check if invoice already entered under accounting doc. no. & &

M8 462 -  Check if invoice already entered as logistics inv. doc. number & &

M8 804 - Inv. not automatically created, potential duplicate exists (acc doc & &)

M8 805 - Invoice not automatically created, potential duplicate exists (inv. & &)

You can configure message as a Errors E, Note in Window I or Switch off Message -

Note: The Duplicate Invoice check is only executed prior to the creation of the FI Journal Entry.  


M8108, M8805,  M8462, M8804, duplicate invoice check, Check Double Invoice, Import Supplier Invoices, F3041, MIRO , KBA , FI-FIO-AP-2CL , Fiori UI for Accounts Payable (Public Cloud) , MM-FIO-IV , Fiori UI for Invoice Verification , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions