SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2646570 - Integrate Biometric Attendance With Time Sheet


Is there a standard functionality to integrate the biometric attendance with Time Sheet?


  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Time Sheet
  • SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking


  • Currently there is no standard functionality to have the biometric attendance reflected in Time Sheet module.

  • For this feature be evaluated for future releases, please raise an enhancement request as per KBA 2090228.

  • However, if you use using SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking with Clock In Clock Out, you can achieve this requirement integrating the biometric data via REST API. Consider the documentation guide: Integration Overview.


Time Sheet, TimeSheet, Attendance, Biometric, Integration, Biometric Integration, Time Tracking, REST API, API, Biometric System, punch, clock, punching, clocking, terminal, machine , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TMS-DAT , Data - Import, API, External, Deletion, Audit , LOD-SF-TTR , Time Tracking , LOD-SF-TTR-CIO , Clock In/ Clock Out , LOD-SF-EC-TMS , Time Sheet , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking all versions