When you are running the Data Subject Information Report and recieve the below error code:
Error fetching report list: {"requestUri":"/odata/v2/restricted/EMMonitoredProcess,Attachment,InformationDataSubjectRequest,InformationDataSubjectResult,InformationDataSubjectPurposeConfiguration,InformationDataSubjectConfigurationTemplate/InformationDataSubjectResult?$expand=csvReportNav%2CpdfReportNav&$select=externalCode%2CdataSubjectId%2CdataSubjectType%2CinstanceId%2CjobId%2CcsvReportNav%2FattachmentId%2CpdfReportNav%2FattachmentId&$filter=createdDateTime%20ge%20datetime'XXXX-XX-XXTXX%XXXX%XXXX.XXZ'","statusCode":403,"statusText":"Forbidden","headers":[],"body":"{ \"error\" : { \"code\" : \"COE_GENERAL_FORBIDDEN\", \"message\" : { \"lang\" : \"en-US\", \"value\" : \"[COE00020]No permission!\" } } }"}
Reproducing the Issue
1. Login to Data Subject Information.
2. Navigate to Person Search and select an employee to generate the report.
3. Go to Report and hit Enter.
4. View above error.
Due to a Metadata issue.
The OData API Metadata needs to be refreshed.
1. Prerequisite: ensure user has the correct Data Subject Information Report permissions:
Search "Manage Permission Roles" from Admin Center.
- Edit the Permission Role which is being used for "Data Subject Information".
- Check the Permission "OData API Attachment Import".
- Save the changes as per below.
2. Perform an OData Metadata Refresh:
Admin Center > OData API Metadata Refresh and Export > Refresh Metadata Cache
3. Re-run the Data Subject Information Report:
NOTE: If this does not resolve the issue, an MDF Cache Refresh (only available in Provisioning) may need to be performed. If so, create an LOD-SF-INT ticket requesting this action to be carried out by Cloud Support with full written permission.
See Also
Data Subject Information Report
- Error fetching report list
- OData Metadata Refresh