SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2647107 - Negative Stock With In-Transit Stock Type In Stock Overview


You have performed stock transfer for a product of yours. Once the stock has been received at the receiving site you see in Stock Overview screen that there is a stock with negative quantity having Stock Type as In-Transit for the product you have delivered.


Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Outbound/Inbound/Internal Logistics work center.
  2. Select the option Stock Overview from the Common Tasks view.
  3. Search for the relevant product, you see that the stock is displayed as negative with stock type In-Transit.


  • The stock transfer of 10 qty triggers the following in logistics confirmation side of ByD.
  • When the outbound delivery document for the stock transfer is released the quantity/Stock Type moves from Goods Issue to In-Transit. That means for a quantity of 10 will move to In-Transit. If you check the stock overview now you will be able to see +10 qty as In-Transit in Stock Overview.
  • Now, the receiving side will create inbound delivery notification and an Inbound delivery will be created and released. This will trigger the reduction of the receiving quantity from In-Transit and increase quantity in warehouse of the receiving site. Now In-Transit will be 0 qty and the warehouse at receiving site will have 10 qty.

The above is the standard process:

  • There can be scenarios where the receiving site would want to mark the incoming stock as Restricted and will mark the incoming stock as restricted in the Inbound Delivery itself. If this is done, then the system will have (+)10 qty with In-Transit and (-)10 qty with Restricted status in In-Transit.  You will have to receive the complete stock as Unrestricted and then move the received stock to Restricted via Change of Stock activity.
  • If the receiving site in any cases receives the quantity of 20 for the above example, then the In-Transit quantity in stock overview will be (-)10 qty.


Please always make sure that you receive the complete quantity at the receiving site which is sent from the sending site. Perform any changes that needs to be done after receiving the stock. The system is working as designed.

See Also

2580831 -  Negative In-Transit stock in Stock Overview


stock transfer error, in-transit stock error, negative in-transit stock, in-transit error, How stock transfer logistics process work, logistics stock transfer , KBA , negative in-transit stock , stock transfer error , stock transfer error, in-transit stock e , in-transit error , in-transit stock error , how does stock transfer work , AP-IP-INV , Inventory , Problem


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