You would like to know how to Confirm Partial quantity with Late Delivery split and Split quantities in a Pick Task.
SAP Business ByDesign
In order to generate multiple outbound deliveries for a single pick task by making use of Late Delivery split and Split quantities functionality
Go to Outbound Logistics Work Center
Go to Task Control View
Search for Pick Task XYZ (XYZ refers to pick task no)
Select Confirm
Enter the Actual quantity (normally lesser than the planned quantity)
Select Split quantities, a new sub line item generates for the remaining quantity
Select a Sub line item and select Late Delivery Split
- Select Save
- A new Outbound delivery generates for the partial quantity confirmed, Now for the remaining quantity Upon Confirmation of task a new Outbound delivery would be generated
Multiple Outbound deliveries from Pick task, Late Delivery Split and Split quantities, Multiple Outbound Deliveries for a Single Pick Task using Split Quantities , KBA , late delivery split and split quantities , multiple deliveries from pick task , AP-SLP-TSK , Site Logistics Task , Problem
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