SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2647807 - Integration Center report fails with error "Process Definition Version is null"


Integration Center report fails with Error : Failed due to - com.successfactors.integrationbuilder.service.exception.ProcessDefinitionVersionNotFoundException: Error: Process Definition Version is null



Reproducing the Issue

Run the Integration Center and it will fail. Check the event logs and you will find this error message.


This error happens whe the IC process version is not picked up to further process the IC Report. It could be because the IC report itself is corrupt.


  1. Open the IC Report having this issue. 
  2. Do a "Save As" for this report. 
  3. This will generate a new IC Report,
  4. Run/Schedule this report and you will not face this error anymore. 

You can change the name of the corrupt report and give this new report the same name.


Integration Center, IC, Process Definition Version is null , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1802