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2647960 - Checks after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/JOB_RS_DMO_HDB_CONTENT_ACTIVATE were negative for Delivery Unit A2EESNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT


In DMO phase MAIN_NEWBAS/JOB_RS_DMO_HDB_CONTENT_ACTIVATE of migration to HANA DB you get errors similar to the following for Delivery unit A2EESNHI_DELIVERY_UNIT*:

Activation is performed with activation mode import. |
| | Runtime 'TableType runtime' finished activation of 26 object(s) in 9573ms |
| | Runtime 'sqlproc-runtime' finished activation of 151 object(s) in 1710ms |
| | Object SDM_UNCOVERED_DEMANDS_LLANG (Procedure), package, was processed with errors. |
| | Could not create procedure; SQL error in procedure creationstatement header |
| | severity 3, retcode 8100013, location , timestamp 2019-01-31 11:45:59.5620000 |
| | Invalid external language: line 216: Error: Label 'inner_loop' already defined in line 165
line 216: inner_loop:
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^
line 165: Context of prior definition
line 165: inner_loop:
| | severity 3, retcode 71001355, location , timestamp 2019-01-31 11:45:59.5620000 |
| | Object SDM_LATE_SUPPLIES_LLANG (Procedure), package, was processed with errors. |
| | Object could not be activateddue to previous activation errors |
| | severity 3, retcode 8100012, location , timestamp 2019-01-31 11:45:59.5620000 |
| | Object CONSUME_REQS_LLANG (Procedure), package, was processed with errors. |
| | Object could not be activateddue to previous activation errors |
| | severity 3, retcode 8100012, location , timestamp 2019-01-31 11:45:59.5620000 |
| | Object CALC_MDBS_CONF_SL_LLANG (Procedure), package, was processed with errors. |
| | Object could not be activateddue to previous activation errors |
| | severity 3, retcode 8100012, location , timestamp 2019-01-31 11:45:59.5620000 |
| | Object WRAP_ERPA_FACTORY_DAYS_BETWEEN_DATES_PROC (Procedure), package, was processed with errors |
| | Object could not be activateddue to previous activation errors



SAP HANA Database


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , PP-MRP , Material Requirements Planning , Problem

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