Manager is unable to remove participant who has declined to take part in the evaluation.
SuccessFactors 360 Multi-Rater
Reproducing the Issue
1. Send 360 review to Evaluation Step.
2. As a participant, decline the feedback request.
3. 360 review is sent to manager for Evaluation.
4. Manager is not able to delete the participant who has declined this feedback request.
**Note: The overall rating will not be affected by a Declined Feedback. This rating will not count as a rating score.
This is expected behaviour of the system.
The Participant that has declined the Feedback Request will remain as a part of the 360 Multi Rater Cycle regardless that the request was declined. Participant cannot be removed from the cycle as per system design.
360 Multi Rater, Feedback, Decline, Participatant. , KBA , LOD-SF-MTR-FBK , Feedback: Get Feedback, Ask for Feedback, etc. , How To