- After logging on the corresponding system with language 'B', the short text for the inspection lot characteristic remains in language 'A'.
- After connecting the system with language 'B', the short text of master inspection characteristic (MIC) for inspection lot is not translated from language 'A' to 'B'.
- The language of the characteristic short text differs from the logon language while using results recording or usage decision transactions like QE51N or QA11.
- SAP ERP Quality Management (QM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
master inspection characteristic, short text, translate, language, logon language, different, MIC, PLMK-KURZTEXT, QAMV, QAMV-KURZTEXT, QM-PT-BD-ICH, QM-IM, QM-IM-UD, QM-IM-RR, Kurztext, Sprache, anmelden, Benutzer, QA11, Ergebniserfassung, QE51N, Verwendungsentscheid, Prüflos, Merkmal, Stammprüfmerkmal, übersetzt, Referenzmerkmal, Kopiervorlage, vollständige, unvollständige, incomplete, verschieden, QM Report, Standard Layout, QM_INSP_RESULT , KBA , ru , qs21 , qp03 , de , en , QM-IM , Quality Inspection , QM-IM-UD , Inspection Lot Completion , QM-IM-RR , Results Recording , QM-PT-BD-ICH , Inspection Characteristic , Problem
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