SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2650404 - Moving Multiple Applicants/Candidates From One Status to Another via Integration Center - Recruiting Management


  • How can mass application status changes be made using Integration Center?
  • Moving all candidates currently in a Withdraw status to an In Progress status, required to disable the DPCS 2.0
  • This KB article describes steps to perform via Integration Center to move applications/candidates status in mass.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management



  • Integration Center enabled per instructions in KB article 2209164
  • RBP Permissions > Recruiting Permissions: OData API Application Create, OData API Application Update, OData API Application Export
  • RBP Permissions > Manage Integration Tools: Access to Integration Center


  1. The IC files are built based on application status ids, thus it is necessary to verify the Application Status Ids by going to Admin Center > Manage Recruiting > Edit Applicant Status Configuration:

  1. Identify all applications that need to be moved by running a report (KB article 2591563):

    • Admin Center > Integration Center
    • My Integrations > Create: Scheduled Simple File Output Integration

  1. Search for entities by Entity Name: JobApplication:

  1. Select all mandatory fields including the Application status ID.

    • To check the mandatory fields in the Job Application entity, use the OData API Data Dictionary in Admin Center.
    • If unable to find the recruiting entity from OData API Data Dictionary, check KB article 2532520.

  1. Configure the CSV output file by setting the File Type as “CSV” and Header Type to “Simple Header”.

    • In the “Configure fields” section there will be a sample of the report:


  1. Set up the Destination Settings, adding the details of the SFTP host and folders the CSV will be exported to:


  1. After saving the IC, Run it and check the results under “Review and run”: Last Run Time

    • Per first screenshot, Application Status ID “7” refers to the application in a “Withdraw” status:

  1. Update the CSV file changing the “7” to any Application Status ID tied to an In Progress status, such as “8” (Status: Phone Screen) and System Status, from “Withdraw” to “Open”.
  2. Remove all other applications from the file.