- Upgrade SRS to v.16.0 SP03.
- High Volume Adaptive Replication (HVAR) is enabled.
- A text column has column status set to "always_replicate".
- The following error is reported in the SRS errorlog:
ERROR #1027 DSI EXEC(103(1) rds.db) - eneric/dsi/dsiutil.c(451)
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 16908568, Severity 1 -- 'blk_rowxfer(): blk layer: internal BLK-Library error: No value or default value available and NULL not allowed. col = 7 row = 3.'.
ERROR #1027 DSI EXEC(103(1) rds.db) - eneric/dsi/dsiutil.c(451)
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: -99999, Severity 5 -- 'blk_rowxfer() failed for table [#rs_uTable_91_1]'.
ERROR #5215 DSI EXEC(103(1) rds.db) - eneric/dsi/dsiutil.c(504)
The interface function 'RCIExecute' returns FAIL for database 'rds.db'. The errors are retryable. The DSI thread will restart automatically. See messages from the interface function for more information.
HQCPL: HQ execution exception occurred while applying to table [nil][nil]...
A grouped transaction of 3 individual transactions has failed in database 'rds.db'. It will be broken into smaller groups and retried.
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
CR815080, CR#815080, 815080, dsi_compile_enable, replicate_if_changed , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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