After updating Lumira Server for the BI Platform 2.x its start-up command line parameters have changed to default settings along with any configurations done in its Java directory: ..\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\SAPJVM8 directory. This means that any added command line parameters will be removed and the rest set to defaul setting and for Lumira's Java directory it means any imported SSO, SSL or other certificates will be removed.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x (BI 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.2)
- SAP Lumira Server, for BI Platform, version 1.x or above
- Windows
- Linux / Unix
run, CMC, BIP, show, message, bip, boe, bi4, bi41, bi4.1, bi 4.1, ls4bip, lum, srv, svr, lumira server, ls4bip, addon, add-on, add on, unable, cannot, can't, not, working, start, initialize, run, failed, fails, failing, java, error, issue, problem, , KBA , BI-LUM-SRV-BIP , SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform , Problem
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