You want to know about contact details to be removed from Campaigns when a Contact is deleted in the Data Privacy work centre.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Example: You removed the Contact 123 (123 represents the contact ID) through the Data Privacy work centre. This contact was related to the Account ID 456 (456 represents the account ID) and the Opportunity ID 789 (789 represents the opportunity ID).
Go to the Sales work centre.
- Go to the Opportunity view.
- Open example opportunity 789.
- Go to the Contacts facet.
- Click the XXXXXX to open the deleted contact record.
- Go to the Campaign facet.
Result: The campaigns are still shown.
The Contact to Campaign link does not contain any personal data, neither direct nor indirect. This is why is deletion of campaign only stores the technical UUID (universally unique identifier) of the contact and nothing beyond that. This is a backend ID without personal data attached.
This is expected system behaviour.
Data Protection, Data removal, Contact, Campaign, Campaigns, Ansprechpartner, Kampagnen , KBA , LOD-CRM-PM-SLS , C4C Product Management - Sales , Problem