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2650890 - Fiori MyInbox 1.0 with extension upgraded to MyInbox 2.0 fails to load in WebIDE


  • Users/Customers have been running Fiori My Inbox 1.0 in production and have a small extension on it
  • After upgrading to My Inbox 2.0, the following problems may occur:
    • Error 1: The My Inbox extension did not do anything with the scrolling

      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setEnableScrolling' of undefined
      at fnShowHideDetailScrollBar (Component-preload.js?eval:218)
      at fnParseComponentParameters (Component-preload.js?eval:218)
  • When using the WebIDE and extending the New My Inbox 2.0, it cannot launch correctly
    • Cannot start the standard CA_FIORI_INBOX to launch in WebIDE
  • Even after using the /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE (SE38) and use the full calculation the My Inbox is not working to be loaded in the WebIDE
    • In the WebIDE console it states:

      ~~~~~~~~Error Console~~~~
      Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
      flower-standalone.css Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
      Device-dbg.js:80 2018-04-12 14:05:08 Device API logging initialized - DEVICE 2018-04-12 14:05:08.524800 registerResourcePath ('', '../../../../../resources/') - sap.ui.ModuleSystem 2018-04-12 14:05:08.524899 URL prefixes set to: - sap.ui.ModuleSystem 2018-04-12 14:05:08.525000 (default) : ../../../../../resources/ - sap.ui.ModuleSystem
      jquery-dbg.js:9092 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
      send @ jquery-dbg.js:9092 2018-04-12 14:05:08.589800 registerResourcePath ('sap/ushell/renderers/fiorisandbox', '') - sap.ui.ModuleSystem
      2sap-ui-core.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
      send @ jquery-dbg.js:9203 2018-04-12 14:05:08.960500 Failed to load AppCacheBuster index file from: "". -
      R @
      sap-ui-core.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
      send @ jquery-dbg.js:9203
  • Even tried invalidating all the cache (/UI2/INVALIDATE_GLOBAL_CACHES) did not make the WebIDE to work (Reference: 2474544)



  • My Inbox 2.4.5
  • SAP ERP 6.0 / 702




"Fiori apps not loading in WebIDE","Incorrect URL Fiori","registerResourcePath","Fiori Apps does not load in WebIDE","My Inbox 1.0","WebIDE with extension","My Inbox 2.0 fails to load in WebIDE","WebIDE not loading apps", "../../../../../resources/" , KBA , CA-WDE-RUN-UI , SAP Web IDE Run web and SAP Fiori Apps on NEO , HAN-WDE-PLF , SAP Web IDE for Hana platform , Problem

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