- Hitting Error 12311 when running REORG REBUILD:
Beginning REORG REBUILD of index 'mycomposit_ind' on table 'myTable'.
Error: 12311, Severity: 20, State: 7
Internal error: address lock request on page 102504825 of index id 14 of table 'myTable' (id = 866987061) in database 'myDB' failed with status -2. No need to drop the index.
- Have been recreating a corrupt index as a workaround which is painful given the sizes of the tables involved.
- Error 12311 is seen in three different SAP ASE servers over the past two months.
- KBA 2096784 suggests SAP CR 634454 as a possible cause. We are interested in knowing the ASE version where this CR is expected to be fixed.
SAP ASE Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 SP134
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
CR634454, CR#634454 , 634454, deadlock, traceflag, trace, flag, 1204, 1223, dbcc, checkindex, checkstorage , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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