Troubleshooting on Data Submit function.
You follow the steps in 2375986 - Enable Data Sumbit Check when integrated with S/4 HANA for real-time consolidation and 2511574 - Checkpoints for BPC Integration and Configuration in Real-Time Consolidation (RTC) in S/4HANA,
but the result is not what you expect.
S4HANA 1610
S4HANA 1709
Enable, Data Sumbit, Check, integrated, with S/4 HANA, for real-time consolidation, RTC, Task Sequence,Attribute Mapping, BPC, Data Submitted List, Launch Pad,RSBPCB_MAINTAIN, RSBPCB, LPD_CUST, SBPCB_MAINTAIN_SEM_OBJ , KBA , BW-PLA-BPC , BPC 'embedded model' , How To
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