When logged on a language different from English in the Migration Cockpit and download a template there is the following error when opening the template in Excel:
To check the log file, it is a bit tricky as the path listed is not visible in the Windows Explorer. But if the complete path is entered in the windows explorer manually, it is visible.
C:\Users\<windows user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO:
The log in the text editor will look like this:
The XML file contains an "Missing end-tag" error.
- Open the XML file in a text editor e.g. Notepad;
- Search for the string: "Den Namen der aktiven Sicht finden Sie unter";
- You will see opening tag <LS> after the search string and the ending tag </> is four rows below;
An ending tag must always be in the same row as the opening tag. Otherwise the XML parser will fail.
SAP S/4HANA release independent.
CNV_DMC_MD_EXTRACTOR 024, DMC_EXCEL_XML_TEMPL_INTRO, XML PARSE ERROR: Missing end-tag, LTMC, Program During Load, XML PARSE ERROR: Missing end-tag. , KBA , CA-LT-MC , S/4HANA Migration Cockpit , Problem
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