SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2651156 - Social Apply with LinkedIn does not populate email on CSB with CAS


From the RMK career site - While applying through LinkedIn and clicking on create account link - Create account page shows First name and last name and not the email address.

Reproducing the Issue

Navigate to RMK career site.

Choose Apply Now > Apply with LinkedIn

Enter an email and password from a valid LinkedIn Account and click "Allow Access"

The page goes to the RCM Career site Sign In page. Email address is blank.

Click the "Create an account" link

On the "create an account" page email address still does not populate, but First name and Last Name is populated.


Login to Command Center and verify if CAS is enabled.


In the non-CAS workflow, users were prompted to enter an email address manually when performing a social apply, and it was this user-provided email that was used to create the RMK user and then passed to RCM, not the email that was used to authenticate on the social network.


KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-CSB , Career Site Builder , Problem


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