Customer is not able to Update the name of the requisition.
Customer changed the name of the template in en_US in XML - Then uploaded the XML in provisioning.
Still the name of the requisition in en_US is not getting changed.
Reproducing the Issue
Login to Customer instance.
Verify the instance langauge.(Options -> Change language -> Check the Language (for ex: en_US).
Navigate to recruiting -> Create Requisition -> Verify the name of the Requisition template.
Go to Provisioning -> Download the Requisition template.
Change the name of the requisition template in the specific language ( for ex: en_US).
Upload the XML again.
Verify the instance langauge.(Options -> Change language -> Check the Language (for ex: en_US).
Navigate to recruiting -> Create Requisition -> Verify the name of the Requisition template.
The changes in the name are not reflecting.
Name of the requisition is Automatically populated with the template name from the XML. This field is Read-Only in Form Template Settings and changes to template name in all languages other than the default language of the instance can be performed via Manage Templates for Recruiting or via XML.
If the instance has two languages enabled like en_US and en_GB.
The default language of instance is en_US -( Admin center -> Manage recruiting Langauge)
We can't update the name of the template in en_US.
To update the name of the template in en_US - Change the default language of the instance to en_GB and then export the XML from provisioning -> Update the name in the XML in en_US and upload the XML again.
The changes will start getting reflecting.
KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-JOB , Job Postings & Requisitions , Problem