Job log errors: (14.2) 05-27-18 07:18:56 (E) (47645282:2476) RUN-248056: HTTP client error:<2>:<Failed initialization>.
(14.2) 05-27-18 07:18:56 (E) (47645282:1962) RUN-248056: HTTP client error:<28>:<Timeout was reached>.
(14.2) 05-27-18 07:18:57 (E) (47645282:2219) RUN-248056: HTTP client error:<55>:<Failed sending data to the peer>. - Timeout appears to occur about 20 minutes after the initial connection the Data Services trace log is seen to load the data.
- Very large amount of data being written to AWS S3 Storage.
- Smaller files can be written without issue.
SAP Data Services
Amazon S3 Cloud Storage
SAP Data Services all versions
KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Problem
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