SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2651585 - Manage Business Configuration: How to Generate Business Configuration Audit logs via Manage Scheduled Jobs


How can we get Audit logs for Manage Business Configuration?

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SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Business Configuration


Admin Center: Scheduled Job Manager

From the 1H 2023 Release you can generate the Business Configuration Audit from the Admin Center via Scheduled Job Manager.

This was included with the following Enhancement: WNV: ECT-207756 - More Employee Central Jobs on Job Scheduler in Scheduled Job Manager

For the steps on how to configure this job from Admin Center via Scheduled Job Manager please review the following section of the guide:
Implementing and Managing Business Configuration (BCUI): Business Configuration Audit Job in Scheduled Job Manager

Please note: This job will run successfully only once in a day. Consecutive runs will fail.

Screenshots of how to create and download BCUI Audit in Manage Scheduled Jobs:

BCUI audit job creation via scheduled job manager.jpg

download BCUI audit response file.png

If you have more questions regarding the Business Configuration Audit job in Manage Scheduled Jobs, please refer to the Permission or General FAQ sessions of this KBA.


Please note: support will no longer be able to assist you to generate this report from provisioning after the 1H 2023 Release as it can then be generated from Admin Center as shown above.

Implementing and Managing Business Configuration (BCUI): Business Configuration Audit Job in Scheduled Job Manager

  • As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your implementation partner. If you're no longer working with an implementation partner, contact SAP Cloud Support.
  • Customer must provide a written approval for above task (Create job: Manage Scheduled Jobs)

To create the job:

  1. Go to Provisioning and go to Manage Scheduled Jobs > Create New
  2. Name the job whatever you like
  3. Set the job owner
  4. Choose Business Configuration Audit Job as the Job Type
  5. Choose what element you want to report on and from what date you want to audit table to choose as the starting point
  6. Choose the frequency and the start date and time and then click submit 


Now wait for the job to complete by checking monitor jobs in Provisioning and filtering on Job Type "Business Configuration Audit Job"


Accessing the Data

  1. Login to SuccessFactors and go to Admin Centre
  2. Search Monitor job using the tool search
  3. Look for the Job Name Business Configuration and scroll over to the right to download the report



If you can't see the results in monitor job, it means that you don't have permission to see all jobs run by users in the system

You can either proxy as the user who is the job owner or grant the permission for this which is found in:

Manage Permission Roles > Choose the relevant role > Permission > Manage User > Allow user to view all the jobs


The results only query the last 90 days from the date you set on the Audit Period End Date field in the setup of the job.


If you don't set a date, it will query the last 90 days starting from the current date.

General FAQ

Q) What if I can’t see the job in "Monitor Jobs"?

A) If you don’t have permission to see all jobs in "Monitor Jobs", then you will only see the jobs created or submitted by yourself. You need to grant the following permission to see all other jobs: "Allow users to view all the jobs"


Can I report on different elements and not just HRIS Elements?

A) Yes, you can do this by changing the setup of the Job and choose what part of Business Configuration you want to report on.

Note: you can only choose one element at a time and it will only give you results to one element at a time, not all elements


Job Failure due to Execution Limit: 

If the job fails due to execution limitations it will detail the following error in the Job Details:

  • job failed because it exceeded the daily scheduling threshold for execution

If a job fails due to this job execution guardrails, it is recommended to review the configuration of the job and adjust the recurrence to ensure it complies with the job execution guardrails detail in the WNV: ECT-207756: More Employee Central Jobs on Job Scheduler in Scheduled Job Manager

To do this please ensure you have the required permission to access Scheduled Job Manager from the Admin Center.

This requires you have the permission:

  • Administrator > Admin Center Permissions >  Monitor Scheduled Jobs
  • Administrator > Admin Center Permissions > Manage Scheduled Jobs

Different job types might have additional module-specific permission controls. Check module guides to know all the details, please review the links with the "Related Information" of the WNV page for links to each of these relevant jobs: ECT-207756: More Employee Central Jobs on Job Scheduler in Scheduled Job Manager

Steps to change the recurrence of a job:

  1. Ensure you have the required permission detailed above 
  2. Navigate to Scheduled Job Manager
  3. Select "Job Scheduler" Tab 
  4. Filter for the desired Job Type
  5. For the desired job select Actions> Cancel 
  6. Once the job is canceled select Actions> Edit 
  7. Adjust the recurrence to comply with the job execution guardrails
  8. Ensure all required fields are filled out 
  9. Submit

FAQ - Additional Information

Q) Where can I get information on this from the Guide?

A) Guide: Creating Change Audit Reports

Chapter:Change Audit -Employee Central Object and Element Audit Configuration

Q) Can I use this if we don’t use Employee Central?
A) Yes, this job has all of the elements in the data model. When you don’t have EC, the element HRIS elements won’t appear in the data model or the dropdown list where you choose the element you want to report on

Q) Can we get the report via e-mail instead?
A) No, you can only access the results from "Monitor Jobs" on your instance.

Q) Can I do this without a partner?
A) No, you will need the job to be set up in Provisioning, therefore, you need a partner of SAP Cloud Product Support to assist you with it. To get assistance from SAP Cloud Product Support, please report an case under component LOD-SF-PLT.

See Also

  • 2604836 - Manage Business Configuration: How to Read Business Configuration Audit Logs
  • 2604836 - How to Read BCUI Audit Logs
  • 2324339 - Manage Business Configuration UI (BCUI) is locked
  • 2819064 - Synchronize Business Configuration job failed after importing Succession or (SDM) Data Model
  • 3066117 - How to export Data Models?


              ECT-81333, BCUI Audit, Business Configuration Audit, Comprehensive Audit Framework, EC, EP, PLT, ECT-95758, ECT-95759, ECT-95761, ECT-95784, ECT-96168, Audit Records, 1805, Manage Business Configuration, Business Configuration Audit Job, past 90 days, Manage Business Configuration
          , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-BCI , Manage Business Configuration (BCUI) & Data Models (XML) , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , LOD-SF-EP , People Profile , LOD-SF-PLT-AUDR , Request Audit Report (Not Change Audit) , How To


          SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central 1805 ; SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central 1808