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2652028 - WebGUI: Copy and Paste from Excel to a transaction with input fields, only the first value is copied.


When using the WebGUI Service, copying and pasting a Column of EXCEL values into the input fields (of any transaction) only the first value is copied.



Any WebAS Environment for any transaction with multiple input fields.


SAP NetWeaver 2004 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.1 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.2 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP S/4HANA 1709 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


excel, copy and paste, copy and paste from excel, multiple lines, multiple rows , KBA , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , XX-CSC-JP-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-JP , Problem

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