When you would like to generate Voyages for a Schedule in the Master Data, MESSAGE_TYPE_X dump is raised.
The dump contains the followings in the Application Information:
While executing determination "DET_DEP_RULES_STAGE_AM" of node "DEP_RULES" of business object "/SCMTMS/FO_SCHEDULE" an exception has occured. The method "EXECUTE" of class "/SCMTMS/CL_SCH_D_DEP_STAGE_AM" contains errors, which are described in the exception chain below. Please open a ticket to the responsible component "TM-MD-TN-SCH"!
- SAP Transportation Management 9.0
- SAP Transportation Management 9.1
- SAP Transportation Management 9.2
- SAP Transportation Management 9.3
- SAP Transportation Management 9.4
- SAP Transportation Management 9.5
carrier schedule, departure, rule, voyage, master data, TM, dump, short dump, message_type_x, 500 internal server error, rabax_state, st22 , KBA , TM-MD-TN-SCH , Schedule , Problem
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