SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2653012 - Social Media Duplicate Tickets


You noticed that some tickets related to social media are duplicated on the system.


SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Service work center.
  2. Open the Tickets view.
  3. On the list, see that there are duplicated Tickets related to Social Media Channels, such as Facebook and Twitter.


The Social Media import runs are scheduled to a short period of time. In some occasions, if the runs have re-occurance of one minute, for example, the system will still be with one run in process when the next one begins, causing the same pool of post to be considered.


To solve the case, please adjust the time of occurance of the Social Media Import Runs.

See Also

More information can be found on the Help Document Scheduling a Social Media Message Import Run.


KBA , LOD-CRM-SC-SM , Social Media , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions