SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2653601 - Performance form preview displays only in English


If a user launches a form while the system is in a language other than English, the form preview is still displayed in English.


SuccessFactors Performance Management

Reproducing the Issue

1. Create a performance form template with message key label translations for another language.

2. Go to Options > Change Language > Change to the language used in the form message keys.

3. Go to Admin Centre > Performance Management > Launch Forms.

4. Select a form template > Information displays only in English.

Demo Preview 1.png

5. Select ‘Preview the template’ > Template full preview is displayed in English.

Demo Preview 2.1.png


Performance form preview in other languages is not currently supported by SAP SuccessFactors.

If you would like to see this as a feature in the future, you can visit and create an enhancement request for this feature.


performance form, form template, form preview, preview language , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1802