You are using transaction /SCWM/ISU to upload stock from an other SCM system to a bin and see that the transaction do not consider the maximum capacity of a bin, allowing to overpass 100%.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management
SAP Extended Warehouse Management 5.1 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 7.0 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.0 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.1 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.2 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.3 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.4 ; SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP Extended Warehouse Management 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP Extended Warehouse Management 7.0
/SCWM/HUGENERAL149, capacity, maximum, /SCWM/ADHU, /SCWM/ISU, /SCWM/HUGENERAL 149, 100%, EWM , KBA , SCM-EWM-WOP , Warehouse Order Processing , Problem
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