SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2654504 - Benefit exception New hire


How to use exception on new hire?

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SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Global Benefits


Benefit Enrollment Automation - Event New Hire

Open enrollments allow employees to enroll into a set of plans in a defined period. Any changes to enrollments after this period is not allowed until there is a qualified work/life event. During this period, Benefit exception is created to allow the employee to enroll into eligible benefits. For new hire, we have automated the benefit exception creation. As an admin, this feature will reduce the effort spent on creating benefit exceptions created for new hires. Currently, this feature automates benefit exceptions created for new hire event only.


  • You have enabled the Intelligence Services center. To do so, go to Upgrade Center, under Recommended Upgrades, choose Intelligence Services Center. Further steps:
    1. In the Admin Center, search Intelligence Service Center(ISC);
    2. Click Employee Hire. Under Activity click Benefits New Hire Event Subscriber;
    3. Details of the event subscriber is displayed on the screen. Here, under Activity Benefits New Hire Event Subscriber, choose the TIMING as When event is published;
    4. Click Actions Save Flow.
  • You have changed the business configuration for Job info model. To do so, go to Manage Business Configuration. Click on jobInfo in the left-corner of the screen.
    1. In the jobInfo, under Trigger Rules, Choose Base Object as Job Information Model, Event Type as onPostSave and Rules as EVENT_NEWHIRE (SAP_EVENT_NEWHIRE);
    2. Click Save.

benefits new hire.PNG

  • You have created an Enrollment Duration Rule using the rule scenario Configure Benefits Enrollment Window Rule via Exception Sample rule: create a life event window rule with a calculation to determine window open duration as 10 days from the date of hire.
  • You have created an Enrollment Effective From rule using the rule scenario Configure Benefits Enrolment Effective From Rule via Exception Sample rule: You can create a rule scenario to determine when the enrolled benefits are effective from. Some of the rules are listed below:
    • Next Pay Period: This rule determines a date for benefit enrollment which is effective from the next pay period considering the base date as the event date
    • Next Month: This rule determines a date for benefit enrollment which is effective from next month considering the base date as the event date.
    • Offset plus Next Pay Period: This rule determines a date for enrollment which is effective from next pay period after offsetting an 'n' number of days as per the user input.
    • Offset plus Next Month: This rule determines a date from enrollment which is effective from next month after offsetting an 'n' number of days as per the user input.

Note: You can download these rules from SAP SuccessStore.

  • You have created an event Benefit Work/Life Event


Process Flow

  1. In the Admin Center, search Benefit Admin Overview;
  2. System opens the Benefits Admin Overview;
  3. Select Create New – Benefit Life Event Configuration;
  4. Enter the data in the following fields:

○ Effective Start Date: Enter the date from which the work/life event is valid.

○ Event Configuration ID: Enter an ID.

○ Event Configuration Name: Enter a name for the configuration.

○ Legal Entity: Select the relevant legal entity you want to trigger the work/life event for.

○ Benefit Work/Life Event: Select the new hire event.

○ Enrollment Duration Rule: Select a rule to determine the enrollment duration.

○ Relevant for Benefit Period: Select Ongoing Period when the employee will be eligible for benefits from the current benefit period as of work/life event date. Select Upcoming Period when the employee will be eligible for benefits as of next benefit period.

○ Benefit: Select the benefits that can be enrolled by the new hire.

○ Effective From Rule: Select the relevant enrollment effective form rule specific to each added benefit. Click Save. Now, when you create an event for new hire, an exception is created automatically based on your requirements

  1. To verify the status of the exception created, go to Admin Center Benefits Overview Benefits Exception Log;
  2. Search for logs with Worker id of the new hire;
  3. Under Result Details, if any one of the benefits fail, the Status will be Fail and no benefit exception will be created. if the status is Success, Benefits Exception will be displayed;
  4. Click on the quick card in the benefit exception to view the details of the configuration.

Note: Perform the following to override the effective from date determined by the effective from rule:

  1. Under the Result Details Benefit Exception;
  2. Click on the quick card;
  3. Click Edit, this opens the screen for editing;
  4. Click Details in the benefit you want to modify the enrollment effective from date;
  5. In the window that opens, select a Enrollment Effective From date as required.


New hire exception on benefits ,exception usage on new hire, sample scenaior on new hire benefit exception, exception scenario on benefits,benefiit exception , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-GBF , Global Benefits , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions