You want to reverse a warehouse confirmation, but receive error message: "Cancellation not possible; deviation quantity was accepted."
SAP Business Bydeisgn All versions
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Outbound Logistics Work Center.
Go to Warehouse Order View.
- Show all and search Warehouse Order XXX (XXX stands for Warehouse Order ID).
Click it and navigate to confirmation tab.
- Select row with confirmation ID YYY (YYY stands for warehouse confirmation ID).
Click Reverse Confirmation.
Error message:Cancellation not possible; deviation quantity was accepted
In confirmation ID YYY, you also confirm Product ABC (ABC stands for product ID) with quantity zero and accepted the deviation already.
- Open warehouse order XXX.
- Navigate to Operation Tab.
- Select row for product ABC.
- Click Reprocess Open Quantity.
- After that, you could perform reverse confirmation again.
Reverse warehouse confirmation , KBA , AP-ODP-ODR , Outbound Delivery Request , How To
SAP Business ByDesign all versions