SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2654947 - Error message:Cancellation not possible; deviation quantity was accepted


You want to reverse a warehouse confirmation, but receive error message: "Cancellation not possible; deviation quantity was accepted."


SAP Business Bydeisgn All versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Outbound Logistics Work Center.
  2. Go to Warehouse Order View.
  3. Show all and search Warehouse Order XXX (XXX stands for Warehouse Order ID).
  4. Click it and navigate to confirmation tab.
  5. Select row with confirmation ID YYY (YYY stands for warehouse confirmation ID).
  6. Click Reverse Confirmation.
  7. Error message:Cancellation not possible; deviation quantity was accepted


In confirmation ID YYY,  you also confirm Product ABC (ABC stands for product ID)  with quantity zero and accepted the deviation already.


  1. Open warehouse order XXX.
  2. Navigate to Operation Tab.
  3. Select row for product ABC.
  4. Click Reprocess Open Quantity.
  5. After that, you could perform reverse confirmation again.


Reverse warehouse confirmation , KBA , AP-ODP-ODR , Outbound Delivery Request , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions