SP upgrade stops on UWL deployment, errors similar to below can be found in the SUM logs:
Deployment of archive MYPORTAL_SPS11/UWLJWF11P_1-80000721.SCA --> for component aborted
Detailed message: 1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DBC.204] failed to deploy dbschemacontainer : /abc/usrsap/PKG/123/j2ee/cluster/server0/temp/deploy/ Return code from dictionary library is ERROR.
-> [ERROR CODE DPL.DBC.901] Deploy operation finished with ERROR code.
The following messages were collected by DBModificationController during deployment:
8:13:29 2018-05-28 dbs-Info: <<< Analyze table KMC_UWL_CONFIG >>>
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db2-Info: database object type for KMC_UWL_CONFIG is Table
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: compareTo: column CONFIG_XML: target column differs in length. from 33333333 to 1000000
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: compareTo: column CONFIG_XML: table conversion is required to shrink column length.
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: compareTo: column CONFIG_XML: a table conversion is required
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: compareTo: column CONFIG_XML: target column differs in length. from 33333333 to 1000000
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: compareTo: column CONFIG_XML: table conversion is required to shrink column length.
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: compareTo: column CONFIG_XML: a table conversion is required
8:13:29 2018-05-28 dbs-Info: KMC_UWL_CONFIG modify column CONFIG_XML from type : CLOB,len : 33333333,dec : 0,not null : false,default : |<null>|
8:13:29 2018-05-28 dbs-Info: KMC_UWL_CONFIG modify column CONFIG_XML to type : CLOB,len : 1000000,dec : 0,not null : false,default : |<null>|
8:13:29 2018-05-28 db6-Info: table KMC_UWL_CONFIG contains data
E R R O R ******* (DbTableModificationAnalyser dev
8:30:33 2018-05-28 dbs-Error: Stack trace: Modification is refused for KMC_UWL_CONFIG see note 1383461
- Enterprise Portal 7.3 and higher
- Universal Worklist
'KMC_UWL_CONFIG'; ' for component aborted'; 'Analyze table KMC_UWL_CONFIG'; 'SUM'; 'upgrade'; '1383461' , KBA , EP-BC-UWL , Universal Worklist , Problem
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