SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2655960 - How to Enable Lookup For Extension Fields in Lead Excel Import


Enable value help for extension fields in Lead excel import


SAP Cloud for customer

Reproducing the Issue

The documentation is about end users how to enable value help for extension fields in Lead excel import, the precondition is the end user has already enabled extension fields in the excel import template

Once the end users have completed the adding extension fields, if they want to enable value help (e.g. the extension fields are based on the Code List), they can enable it by following steps:

For example: there is an extension field “YJ Ext. Test”, it has code value and description:

Code                Description

101                     DDLB-101

111                     DDLB-111

121                     DDLB-121


1. Enhance the xmlMaps.xml to define extension code list type:

  • In the xmlMaps.xml need to specify a special type definition for the Code List instead of type=”xs:string>”.

        e.g. in above example: type="tns:EXT_DDLBCodeType" for extension field “CodeListTest”


  • Define simpleType for “EXT_DDLBCodeType”, it contains available code values defined via the KUT tools.


  • Add “Map” of code list into xmlMaps.xml for the extension fields:


  • After finish above steps, put the xmlMaps.xml back to lead excel template.

       (e.g. NewMarketingLead__EN.xlsx )

2. Edit the lead import excel template, to enable the value help:

  • Open lead import excel template (e.g. NewMarketingLead__EN.xlsx ), in the “Developer” mode,  Unhide sheet “Validation”



  • Insert a line in the sheet “Validation” for extension fields, e.g. “CodeListTest”



  • At the end of the sheet “Validation” add following lines for the extension fields. (you can copy/paste from another standard code list element)

        And at left side “XML Source”, select the name of the extension code list, e.g. “CodeListTest”, then drag-drop to complete the mapping.



In above example:

Element Name is: “Ext00163E12BA691ED78599F24DB58D7914”

Element Namespace is:

This information you can get it from WSDL of the communication arrangement “Manage Lead”





  • After finish the map of the code list, then hide the sheet “Validation” in lead excel import template, then in the add-in “SAP HYBRIS CLOUD FOR CUSTOMER” test the value help:




Lead, Excel Export /import, Extension field, Lookup, Grayed out , KBA , lead , excel import /export , extension field , lookup , disabled , LOD-CRM-LM , Lead Management , How To


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