The value of your a Non recurring pay component in EC has an effective date past your Compensation Plan's effective date and you are expecting not to see that value in your launched form but it's there.
Successfactors Compensation
Reproducing the Issue
You have fields/columns mapped to EC One Time Payments (Non Recurring Pay Components)
And another field/column that sums up the values of the fields/columns above.
The "Issue Date" of the values of the above fields are as follows:
Your template's effective date is 01/01/2018.
With that effective date the expectation is that only the Lump Sum One Time Payment value will be seen in form however what's showing is both the Lump Sum and the Fuel Allowance.
In Compensation Non Recurring Pay Component is considered as non-effective-dated therefore the template's effective date is ignored. The field/column will simply fetch and return the component's most current value.
We suggest that you raise an enhancement request regarding this in our Influence page
Non recurring pay component, One Time Payment, effective date, , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-EC , EC data, EC mappings, configuration & settings , Problem