Scrolling through Profile of a user as it loads causes an application error where:
1. errorId is null
2. timestamp is null
3. errorMessage - Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null
4. errorName is TypeError
Clicking OK to the error then allows the Profile to load. If you refresh the page, it is no longer possible to replicate the error - it only occurs when searching the user.
Employee Central - People Profile 3
Reproducing the Issue
1. Search user
2. As profile loads scroll down quickly through Profile
3. Suddenly application error is thrown
4. Clicking OK to error seemingly allows Profile to load
5. However if you look closely at the profile you will see that Compensation Information block does not look correct - not all graphics are displayed. Refreshing the page will cause the data to be displayed correctly
Example Error: errorId=null, timestamp=null, errorMessage=Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null, errorName=TypeError, server=#######, versionInfo=Release%3A%20b1805.20180607124041%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Timestamp%3A%202018-06-13T12%3A21%3A47.392%2B0000
This is an issue with the visual appearance of the 'Compensation Information' block during intial load.
1. To resolve this navigate to Admin Center > Configure People Profile
2. Remove the Compensation Information block
3. Save
4. Add the Compensation Information block back
5. Save
6. If the above does not resolve this issue then current configuration has the 'Total Compensation History' block next to the 'Compensation Information' block. By moving the 'Total Compensation History' block under the 'Compensation Information' block in Configure People Profile will fix this error.
offsetWidth, errorId=null, PP3, Scroll, Profile, Loads, Loading, Application, Error, timestamp=null, errorMessage=Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null, errorName=TypeError, ECT-100428 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CMP , Compensation Information & One-Time Bonus , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , Problem