You are creating goods and service receipts for more quantities than the ordered quantity. System shows the warning message and allowed the user to enter greater quantity than the ordered quantity
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Goods and Service Receipts work center
Go to Receipts and Return view
Select Show by Documents
Select the relevant Purchase Order and select New Goods and Service Receipts button
Enter a value more than Ordered Quantity
System allows the user and warning message appears
When the delivered quantity is exceeded in the goods receipt document, system shows a warning message.
Warning - Item 1: Ordered quantity of purchase order item exceeded
Delivered Quantity specifies the quantity that is confirmed for an item in a goods and services receipt. By default, the Delivered Quantity field in the goods and services receipt is prefilled with the Ordered Quantity of the corresponding purchase order and can be updated by the user. If the user enters a Delivered Quantity, which is greater than the Ordered Quantity, then you can set up approval process for goods and services receipt before it can be released. This is an expected behavior
System will allow the user to enter greater quantities in goods receipt document and it will throw a warning message. In case, if you still expects an error message, you can approach partner development team and ask them to create PDI add on to raise an error message instead of warning.
Ordered quantity of purchase order item exceeded , KBA , ordered quantity of purchase order item , delivered quantity exceeded , AP-GSP-GSA , Goods and Service Acknowledgement , Problem