You get Error while deleting the Purchase order acknowledgement in status Up-to-Date.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Purchase orders work center
Go to Purchase orders
Search for the Purchase order
Click on Acknowledgment received appearing under column PO Acknowledgement status
Select the Acknowledgment with status Up-to-Date
Click on Delete PO Acknowledgement button
You will get error.
Status Up-to-Date means : it is the last created Purchase Order Acknowledgement.
As the PO acknowledgement is done at least once , the details should be available in the system.
The delete button is provided in the system to delete only the Out of date PO acknowledgement documents.
This button cannot be disabled only for Up-to-Date acknowledgements as the UI is multi select enabled. So, if more than one acknowledgement is selected some of which are Out-of-Date, and the delete button for the one with Up-to-Date status cannot be disabled.
For this reason, button is enabled in general but the system throws error info message as per the status of the document.
Please create correct PO acknowledgement and then you can delete the old acknowledgement with Out of date status.
Up-to-Date, Unable to delete PO Acknowledgement , KBA , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , Problem