You are using Integration Center to generate and export PGP encrypted file to an SFTP server.
Then Decrypting the PGP file which was placed on the SFTP via SuccessFactors Integration Center.
- successfactors
- Integration Center
Reproducing the Issue
- Login to successfactors Instance
- Admin Center
- Integration Center
- Fulfilling the fields from Destination Settings tab in an Integration
Below is a scenario from an Integration in Integration Center using the PGP Encryption:
Below is the file generated and exported to a SFTP by our Test Integration:
Depending on the PGP tool, during the Decryption process, if you don´t Rename the file name which will be saved, the file name can be set by default as 'pgp' or another different name.
To Open and Decrypt the file generated in the SFTP, it´s necessary to have any PGP Software of your choice to do that. Below you can find a simulation of the Decryption of the file of the sample file TestPGP20180613.txt.pgp we "generated" on the SFTP":
- Use any PGP Software;
- Open the Encrypted file you exported to the SFTP;
- Save it with the name of your choice.
See Also
Below some useful information:
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories, and whole disk partitions and to increase the security of e-mail communications.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ):
Q: Is there any specific PGP Tool which I can use? A: You can use any PGP tool of your choice.
Q: When I decrypt a file, the file name is coming as 'pgp'. Why? A: It happens because if don´t rename the name of the file which will be saved, it will save 'pgp' as default.
Q: I am not able to Decrypt the PGP file exported to SFTP. Where else I can find help on the decrypt process? A: You can try to find some notes on the Help of the Tool you are using as SAP does not owns the PGP decryption process.
To see another sample, kindly check also one blog post:
PGP Encryption Keys; PGP Decryption; File; SFTP; Manage PGP; PGP File Signing Keys; KeyGenerator; Integration center, IC , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-INT-INC-FWK , Integration Center UI Framework , How To