How do I change the default goal plan to show as X goals? Right now, Y goals are showing on user's home page tile. I tried to do this in Manage Templates and set X as the default but Y is still being displayed.
Goal Management Module
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to Admin Center
2. Performance Management > Manage Template
3. Under Objective tab > Set X Goal Plan as default
4. Go to Homepage
5. See the 'My Objectives' tile, still displaying the old Goal plan
We cannot set a specific Goal Plan to be displayed by default on the Objectives Tile in the Homepage. If the user already selected a Goal Plan from the Goal dropdown it will retain the last selected Goal Plan even if the user navigates to his/her Homepage again regardless if it’s a default goal plan, a newly created/updated goal plan.
Currently, we cannot set a specific Goal Plan to be displayed by default on the Objectives Tile in the Homepage.
Below image is the tile when the user does not select any Goals from his/her tile.
Once the user select a specific Goal plan from the Homepage tile.
It will retain the last selected Goal Plan even if the user navigates to his/her Homepage again regardless if it’s a default goal plan, a newly created/updated goal plan.
KBA , LOD-SF-GM-POD , Home Page, Pods and Portlets, To Do List , Product Enhancement