Territory field is visible in quote advance search in offline mode, even though territory management is not scoped.
RUI Offline mode
Reproducing the Issue
- Login to system in offline mode
- Go to the Sales work center
- Go to the Sales Quote view
- Click on Advance search
- Go to Organizational Assignment section
Territory field is available which should not
As territory management scoping element is not enable in scoping, so territory field should not be visible in sales quote advance search.
Territory field is not visible in sales quote advance search in online mode.
An enhancement is needed to hide the Territory field in offline.
This enhancement has been added to the Product Backlog in order to enhance the functionality with next release SAP Cloud for Customer.
Territory field, Sales Quote, Advance search, Offline mode , KBA , offline mode , sales quote , advance search , territory field , visible , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , LOD-CRM-TM , Territory Management , Product Enhancement